CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle.
The history ofOur Church
First Church, Oakland was formed on October 16, 1895 as a branch of The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts. The church purchased the lot at 1701 Franklin Street for $8,000 and the cornerstone was laid on May 1, 1900. The church dedication was held on January 5, 1902 when services were first held in the new building. After 114 years at the corner of 17th and Franklin Streets in downtown Oakland, the membership sold the historic building on December 23, 2015 and on February 18, 2016 we began to share the building of Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist with them.
Tenth Church, Oakland began as an idea in April of 1947 when a small group of Christian Scientists met at Montclair Club House. In January 1949 the group grew to become a Christian Science Society. Later that year in April of 1949 the first church services were held at 6111 LaSalle Avenue. The group became a Society of The Mother Church in July 1949. In October of 1952 the church established a Reading Room at the church location. Also that month the Society became Tenth Church of Christ, Scientist. In 1954 the church purchased a lot at Mountain and Colton Boulevards, for the future church home. The church building was completed for services in June 1961. Dedication services were held in October of 1976.
The idea of consolidating the two churches unfolded naturally and gently as the two memberships shared the building at 1880 Mountain Blvd. In October of 2017, the two memberships voted separately to explore a merge. We formed an Exploratory Committee, drafted new By-laws, and as of May 26, 2018 both churches voted independently to consolidate the two churches. The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts approved the consolidation on June 27, 2018. The newly consolidated church was named First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oakland, California.